One of the advantages of being ancient Tom. You get to bring things back from the memory hole:-)

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Hang around long enough, you get old :) I was fortunate to be able to meet and work with people like Trevor for many years. It's a deep memory hole, and I will be bringing more out of it. Happy Holidays!

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hahaha did you just scoop me : )

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great minds and all that :)

I'm sure your perspective will be a worthy addition to the discussion!

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Well you did actually turn me onto both of them so fair is fair xx

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Excellent article! Well done!

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Tis a fascinating subject of which we're only really scratching the surface. My sense is that following Robert Temple's thesis on the Kordylewski Clouds being an ancient super intelligence will provide us a more firm background for assessment of these anomalous phenomena.

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It looks great will read it ASAP xx

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