This was an amazing article. I cant wait to work with you.


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Thank you Ike! I looked up your work and saw your video on Ophiuchus. With my bioarchitect partner https://bioarc.co we are designing a healing center in Romania named after Ophiuchus. So I looked at the astronomy of the land, long story short we laid the constellation, as it appears at dawn, sunset, midnight and noon at the equinoxes and solstices directly south, down on the ground as the groundplan for the site. There will be eventual public release of this info. So I was naturally attracted to that video. Was very interested to see you discussing the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy, Jenkins' Galactic Alignment (I published Jenkins' Tzolkin in 1994), LaVoilette's galactic superwave, etc. I can see we have a lot of common ideas to discuss our perspectives on. Great to connect!

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Hey Thomas.. I just checked out the bioarc site, those domes are amazing, I want one of those with a sliding roof for my observatory.. hahaha...

I didn't realize you published Jenkins' and LaVoilette's work, these are my two favorite authors. Their work with Spirit Science, helped me understand the logic behind the conspiracy of why we are not connected with the true zodiac on purpose.

We should try to meet on zoom, it seems like we do have a lot in common and a lot to talk about, we are rare seeds.

Here is my email: isaac@siderealastrologist.com

From The Stars,

Isaac (Capt Ike)

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