"Unknown, luminous things, or beings, have often been seen, sometimes close to this earth, and sometimes high in the sky. It may be that some of them were living things that occasionally come from somewhere else in our existence." — Charles Fort
Beyond Drones and Black Projects
The ongoing wave of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP, aka UFO) sightings, including the recent drone ‘flap’ in New Jersey, has sparked intense speculation about their origins. Many observers lean toward plausible explanations involving secret government projects, advanced drones, or experimental aircraft. This perspective is supported by official assessments, such as the following joint statement from the Pentagon, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and the Federal Aviation Administration of December 17, 2024:
“Having closely examined the technical data and tips from concerned citizens, we assess that the sightings to date include a combination of lawful commercial drones, hobbyist drones, and law enforcement drones, as well as manned fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, and stars mistakenly reported as drones.”
While this “nothing to see here, move along” explanation may account for many structured, mechanical objects observed in UAP reports, it fails to address a significant subset of sightings that defy conventional categorization. These include orbs and strange lights that exhibit behaviors suggesting intelligence—hovering, pulsating, merging, and disappearing in ways that challenge our understanding of physics.
“We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity.”
—Ben Rich, the former head of Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works
While it is conceivable that some of the most advanced UAPs represent classified black projects with capabilities beyond public knowledge, there are luminous phenomena—records of which stretch back into ancient history—that appear to belong to an entirely different category. They evoke a mystery that transcends technology and point toward non-material intelligences or natural phenomena yet to be fully comprehended.
Let us consider these these enigmatic lights through the lens of Robert Temple’s plasma intelligence thesis and Trevor James Constable’s etheric critters theory. By exploring these provocative perspectives—alongside intriguing cases like NASA’s Tether Incident and Wilhelm Reich’s experiments with orgone energy—my aim here is to offer a paradigm-shifting comprehension of these mysterious phenomena and their potential origins.
Self-Organizing Plasma and Intelligent Systems
Robert Temple’s A New Science of Heaven explores plasma—the fourth state of matter—as the probable substrate for life and intelligence. Plasma, which constitutes 99.9% of the universe, exhibits properties that challenge conventional definitions of living systems. Temple highlights the Kordylewski Dust Clouds (KDCs), vast charged dust clouds located at the Earth-Moon Lagrange points, as examples of how plasma can self-organize into complex structures. These “dusty complex plasma” clouds, he suggests, may function as computational entities with intelligence surpassing all organic life on Earth combined.
Temple draws parallels between plasma’s self-organizing properties and biological systems, noting that plasma crystals within dusty plasmas can form helical structures resembling DNA. This raises the possibility that plasma might represent an ancient form of inorganic life capable of storing information, evolving, and interacting with its environment. He speculates that these entities could predate organic evolution by billions of years, potentially influencing the formation of life on Earth.
“It is concluded that complex organized plasma structures exhibit all the necessary properties to qualify them as candidates for inorganic living matter that may exist in space provided certain conditions allow them to evolve naturally.” —Tsytovich, Fortov, et al; Plasma Crystals and Helical Structures towards Inorganic Living Matter, New Journal of Physics, Vol. 9, 2007
The implications for UAP sightings are significant. Many UAPs exhibit behaviors—such as rapid acceleration, sudden directional changes, and luminescence—that align with the properties of organized plasma systems. If plasma entities exist within Earth’s atmosphere or near-Earth space, they could account for sightings where no physical craft is detected.
Temple speculates that these plasma beings might be interacting with human consciousness, reframing many historical spiritual experiences as encounters with intelligent plasmas rather than supernatural beings.
“If the Kordylewski plasma clouds are examples of an inorganic life that has existed for billions of years, they may have had a role in forming this planet throughout its long cosmic history. They may even have helped create organic life. From this point of view, we as organic humans are rather primitive latecomers to a fantastically ancient tradition of inorganic life forms.” —Robert Temple, A New Science of Heaven
Constable’s Etheric Critters: Life Beyond the Visible Spectrum
Trevor James Constable, a pioneering etheric researcher and military aviation historian, introduced a provocative theory about atmospheric life forms he termed “etheric critters” in his groundbreaking books They Live in the Sky! (1958), re-released as Skycreatures: Living UFOs (1978) and The Cosmic Pulse of Life (1976).
Using infrared photography, Constable appeares to have captured images of amoeba-like entities inhabiting Earth’s skies—organisms invisible to the naked eye but detectable in specific electromagnetic wavelengths. These beings, he argued, were not mechanical craft but living organisms existing in a spectrum beyond ordinary human perception, and in essence, not even on the electromagnetic spectrum as they are life-energy oriented.
Constable described these critters as plasmatic in nature, exhibiting behaviors such as pulsation, shape-shifting, and rapid movement. He likened their motion to biological systems, noting how they seemed to swell and contract rhythmically as they traveled through the air. Their glowing, disc-like forms often resembled traditional UFOs, but Constable proposed that they were part of an unseen biosphere rather than extraterrestrial spacecraft.
Constable’s theories were inspired by his extensive research into Wilhelm Reich’s concept of orgone energy—a universal life force Reich believed permeated all existence. Building on Reich’s work, Constable suggested that etheric critters might be animated by this same energy field. He also speculated that these beings could explain radar “angels,” mysterious blips observed on radar screens during World War II that seemed to defy conventional explanations.
Constable hinted at an evolutionary framework for these entities. He believed they represented a form of macrobiology or macrobacteria inhabiting Earth’s atmosphere—a parallel evolutionary track distinct from organic life. This aligns with Temple’s suggestion that plasma-based life forms could predate organic evolution and might even have played a role in seeding life on Earth.
“The existence of these organisms seems to be essentially plasmatic, i.e., having their form expressed in heat substance. They travel in pulsatory fashion, swelling and shrinking cyclically as they move through the air, much as we pulsate with our heartbeat and swell and shrink with our lung movements. They are spheroidal, and therefore often look like discs. Being plasmatic, they are capable of returning radar echoes, and often do” — Trevor James Constable, The Cosmic Pulse of Life, 1976.
While some skeptics dismissed Constable’s infrared photographs as artifacts or anomalies of the film medium, others, including professional photographer Richard Toronto, replicated his experiments with notable success. Toronto captured multiple images of what appeared to be flocks of critters over Vallejo, California, further supporting Constable’s claims.
Reich’s Cloudbuster and Contact with Space
Trevor James Constable’s interpretation of etheric critters finds intriguing parallels in Wilhelm Reich’s description of encounters with luminous, plasmatic entities he termed “Ea” (Energy alpha).
In Contact with Space (1957) Reich relates his encounters with the “Ea”. Observed during his cloudbuster (weather engineering) experiments with orgone energy, these beings displayed intelligence and autonomy similar to both Temple’s plasma intelligences and Constable’s etheric critters. Reich claimed he was able to make these entities disappear or retreat by aiming his cloudbuster at them. The cloudbuster was designed to manipulate orgone energy by focusing it into specific areas.
These beings exhibited behaviors indicative of intelligence and autonomy, often manifesting as glowing, pulsatory forms that seemed to respond to electromagnetic or atmospheric conditions. Reich’s experiments suggest that such beings might be sensitive to energetic disruptions or manipulations within their environment. This aligns with Constable’s assertion that etheric critters represent macrobiotic or plasmatic life inhabiting Earth’s atmosphere, responding dynamically to electromagnetic or etheric fields and Temple’s hypothesis that plasmas interact with human technology and consciousness.
Reich’s dramatic claims further support the idea that UAPs not merely atmospheric anomalies but part of a larger energetic ecosystem might represent non-material intelligences deeply intertwined with energetic fields rather than physical craft.
The parallels between Constable’s critters and Reich’s “Ea” are striking:
Energetic Sensitivity: Both entities appeared to interact with electromagnetic or etheric fields, suggesting they exist within or are influenced by non-material energetic systems.
Pulsatory Behavior: The rhythmic swelling and shrinking described by Constable aligns with Reich’s observations of the “Ea” as dynamic, glowing forms.
Infrared Visibility: Constable’s use of infrared photography to capture critters resonates with Reich’s claim that these beings often operate at the edge of perceptibility, detectable only through specific means.
NASA UFOs and Plasmatic Life — The Tether Incident
One of the most compelling pieces of evidence supporting both Temple’s and Constable’s theories is NASA’s Tether Incident during Space Shuttle Mission STS-75 in 1996. During this mission, a 12-mile-long tether broke loose from its satellite and drifted into space while being filmed by cameras sensitive to infrared light. The footage revealed dozens of disc-shaped objects swarming around the tether. These objects exhibited behaviors such as pulsation, rapid movement, and changes in trajectory—characteristics consistent with both Temple’s plasmatic beings and Constable’s etheric critters.
Space Shuttle STS-75 “Tether Incident”
The Tether Experiment was a 12-mile long tether deployed by satellite from the Shuttle on February 25, 1996,
It produced an overload of electricity breaking the Tether, severing it from the Shuttle.
3 days later, February 28, 1996, when the shuttle and its crew were separated from the Tether by over 77 nautical miles, it appeared a swarm of UFOs flurried about the Tether
Astronaut, Claude Nicollier, took video footage, using a hand-held B&W camera designed to see both visible and into the near infrared (invisible to the human eye), of what appeared to be over fifty, pulsing giant UFOs.
Some of the UFOs can be measured as they pass behind the 12-mile long Tether (using the tether as a relative measuring device) at 2-3 miles in diameter.
The near-infrared sensors on the cameras used on STS-75 were able to image objects that were too faint to be seen in visible light. This allowed the cameras to record the tether incident in detail, even though it was happening in the dark.
Could the Tether Incident’s visual evidence represent a convergence of Constable’s etheric critters and Temple’s intelligent plasma entities, suggesting that these objects are self-organizing plasmoids attracted to electromagnetic fields, while also exhibiting autonomy and behavior akin to atmospheric or spaceborne life forms—potentially linking them to the Kordylewski Dust Clouds and even Reich’s “Ea” as further corroboration of non-material intelligences?
These possibilities challenge traditional interpretations of UAP/UFO phenomena as extraterrestrial spacecraft. Rather, they support a new paradigm where non-material intelligences—whether plasmatic or etheric—play a central role.
Ancient Superintelligence?
Both Temple and Constable explore the idea that non-material intelligences might be ancient and vastly more evolved than humanity. Temple emphasizes this point when discussing the Kordylewski Dust Clouds. These immense structures, fed by solar wind and electromagnetic energy, exhibit properties suggesting they could function as “superbrains.” Their computational capacity would theoretically surpass all human brains combined by many orders of magnitude.
Temple hypothesizes that the KDCs may have existed for billions of years, evolving intelligence far beyond our comprehension. He even speculates that they could store information about Earth’s history or serve as intermediaries between cosmic forces and organic life. This notion parallels Constable’s idea that etheric critters are part of a broader ecosystem of non-material life forms interacting with our planet. If UAPs are manifestations of plasma-based intelligence or etheric organisms, their behaviors—such as appearing luminous or disappearing suddenly—could reflect their non-material nature rather than advanced technology. For example:
The ability to emit light might result from ionized particles within their structure.
Sudden disappearances could indicate transitions between visible and infrared spectra or shifts in their energetic state.
Plasma Entities and Human Perception
A key intersection between Temple’s and Constable’s work lies in their exploration of how these entities might interact with human consciousness. Both authors suggest that encounters with non-material intelligences often manifest as mystical or paranormal experiences:
Temple proposes that many spiritual phenomena attributed to angels or ghosts could be interactions with intelligent plasmas.
Constable links etheric critters to Wilhelm Reich’s concept of orgone energy—a life force permeating all existence—and suggests these beings might influence human emotions or perceptions.
This perspective reframes UAP sightings not as encounters with extraterrestrial spacecraft but as glimpses into an unseen dimension populated by non-material intelligences.
Implications for UAP Research
The integration of Temple’s plasma thesis and Constable’s etheric biology offers a transformative paradigm for understanding UAPs:
Scientific Exploration: Plasma physics provides a testable framework for studying UAP behaviors. Laboratory experiments on dusty plasmas have already demonstrated self-organizing properties resembling life.
Interdisciplinary Approaches: Combining physics, biology, consciousness studies, and Reichian orgone energy theories could yield new insights into the nature of these phenomena.
Reevaluating Historical Accounts: Many historical UFO sightings or spiritual experiences might be reinterpreted as interactions with plasma entities or etheric critters.
This paradigm also challenges materialist assumptions about life and intelligence. If non-material beings exist alongside us, our understanding of reality must expand to include dimensions beyond physical matter.
A New Cosmic Perspective
Temple’s New Science and Constable’s Cosmic Pulse converge on a revolutionary idea: that life and intelligence may not be confined to organic matter but could emerge from plasma or other non-material substrates, even pure consciousness itself. Their theories offer profound insights into the ongoing UAP phenomenon, suggesting that some sightings may represent interactions with ancient, intelligent systems operating outside conventional frameworks. The NASA Tether Incident serves as a vivid example supporting this paradigm shift. By exploring connections between living plasmas, atmospheric critters, Wilhelm Reich’s orgone experiments, and unexplained aerial phenomena, we may uncover not only the nature of UAPs but also deeper truths about our place in our living universe teeming with unseen intelligences.
Let’s Hope They’re Friendly
On December 30, 1978, journalist Quentin Fogarty and a television crew onboard an Argosy freight aircraft captured what remains one of the most credible UFO sightings in history. Known as the Kaikoura UFO incident, the event occurred off the coast of New Zealand’s South Island, where the crew observed and filmed a series of mysterious lights that appeared to follow their plane. These lights were also tracked on radar by Wellington Air Traffic Control, adding a layer of verification to the visual evidence. Fogarty provided a live running commentary during the encounter, describing objects that ranged from small flashing lights to large, glowing orbs with apparent structural features. The footage, which gained international attention, has been analyzed extensively and continues to defy conventional explanations, with skeptics suggesting squid boats or atmospheric phenomena and others pointing toward something far more extraordinary.
“To me it was just that they were some sort of intelligence of their own, not having occupants or anything. Whatever they were, that was the entire thing. I didn’t have a feeling of anything inside them. It gets a little weird and wacky. I had another feeling at the time, which I have not written about, like they were collecting souls of the dead. I can’t explain this feeling. They were far more psychic than anything. I felt that there was something incredibly spiritual and emotional about it all, but I could not come to terms with it, I couldn’t work out what it was. Throughout the whole thing I cannot be convinced about an extraterrestrial origin, because it doesn’t feel right, for no other reason.” —Quentin Fogarty, Kaikoura NZ UFOs, 1978
Further reading, my previous article on the subject of intelligent plasma:
“The universe looks more and more like a great thought rather than a great machine.”
— James Hopwood Jeans, The Mysterious Universe
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"The gift is to the giver, and comes back most to them" - Walt Whitman
One of the advantages of being ancient Tom. You get to bring things back from the memory hole:-)
hahaha did you just scoop me : )