The zombie ants very existence prove such fungal intelligence. Unfortunately this technology has already been weaponized to alter human DNA. This will soon be known as the second death written of in the Bible.

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Yes, fascinating that a fungus can create and utilize neuromodulatory molecules to parasite an ant like that, showing that there is some sort of trans-species cross connection. Some of the metabolites cordyceps produces in its parasitic control are similar to human-neuroprotective molecules created in other cordyceps species.

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You are back! Great work!

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Thank you Thomas for an interesting and enjoyable exposé on fungalaly expressed universal intelligence.

I pray that eventually, and sooner rather than later, modern Man will recover his/her capacity of direct spiritual perception, and thus awaken into the pre-cognition that Consciousness and Intelligence are primary substrates of the cosmos. And that Light, then matter and the form side of Life, are subsequent manifestations of that consciousness. The human expression of Life will then stand on the verge of realising we are but emanations of the Supreme Source emergently participating in the fruits of divinely inSpired creativity.

A realisation once expressed in the now famous (although at the time blasphemous), declaration, "The Father and I Am one".

🙏 ☀️ 🔥🌻🌱🍄 🕉️

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