so glad I discovered this blog!

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Thank you, much appreciate your comment :)

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where would you recommend i start reading?

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One of the best introductions to this general area, in a cogent form, is Ernst Lehrs' Man or Matter. There are various free editions on the internet. I was introduced through the 3rd edition, which was expanded by others. Some say the second edition, readily available in pdf, was better for them. Either one. It covers the idea of what an idea is, how our consciousness grasps the functions of reality in a very real form. The basis is Goethe's metamorphosis of plants, culminating in his non-newtonian color theory and it's implications for advancing into a science in in harmony with both nature and the structure of our consciousness.

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Thanks again Thomas! It appears I'm walking a similar path, thanx for the illumination.!

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Thanks Steven! For me the most important part of this is the explanation of the negative after-images, that they are not formed from the rods and cones, but from our blood system supplying the eyes. It shows a higher form of activity in our visual process.

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Yea, I'm investigating the connections between starlight, energy, information, and memory in an omnipresent field of consciousness for some writing on these subjects. BTW, I admire your writing.

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Oh, and btw, Sly Stone was correct, "every-body is a Star"

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LOL!!!, I guess they didn't get the message.

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I almost saw Sly live.. was 1969, Grant Park in Chicago. Was summer between grammar school and high school. He never showed, things started getting unruly, so I bailed out to my father's office nearby. Later when we walked to the parking lot to drive home, there were trashed stores along the downtown streets.

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