To be pleased with one's limits is a wretched state. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
To my wonderful subscribers,
For various reasons, I’m losing my ability to do paid substack subscriptions through Stripe for now (not a Stripe problem, it’s the receiving acct being closed). So I’ve suspended the paid subscription option. This hasn’t been a big earner, but all donations totally appreciated!! I’m thankful for all my subscribers, some of you I’ve known for a few decades! Thank you for reading and supporting my work, which will continue here and elsewhere.
Currently I’m traveling from place to place and haven’t had the time to sort out the details. I’m in a jetlagged daze between Europe and New Zealand at the moment, I will be at my home & office in Bali from the middle of November on, when I plan on posting again in high gear.
This is why I’ve been a bit slow on posting, I need quiet space to collect my thoughts. I have a number of articles in various stages. I’ve just given some major presentations and will be posting information from them and other researches. There is much to come.
I am in appreciation to you kind folks who have supported my work here.
In gratitude,
Some screenshots from my recent talks, the videos are on this link :
Website for articles
Website for projects
Thank you for your support and understanding!