Regarding the latest substack from Vanese of Magical Egypt on Earth’s Angle of Obliquity…
I was having a chat with Vanese on her notice about Gary Osborn and Ike Rodriguez doing an upcoming Magical Egypt Summit (in September) discussion on Earth's 23.5 degree oblique rotational angle from the solar equatorial plane, as well as the differences between sidereal vs tropical astrology, all in relationship to what effects these may have on the control or liberation of consciousness.
I chimed in about concepts from the Electric Universe (EU) thesis, that Earth, Mars and Saturn have similar angles of rotational obliquity, and that this is possibly because at one time Saturn was the main body that Earth orbited, when it was a brown dwarf. At a later time it merged with the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter system, which have approximate rotational resonance.
The gravity only system of the standard model is only explained by the fortunate serendipities of explosions and collisions of accumulated masses — that exploded out of nowhere apparently — pulled together by some magic gravity action. How does hydrogen accumulate into such masses as stars, when basic thermodynamics shows that when you compress gases they heat, and heat separates the molecules?
The various Electric / Plasma cosmology models explore many valid potentials outside the mainstream. Having seen star streams and galactic formations in electric plasmas around high frequency Tesla Magnifying Transmitters, where no black hole ever appeared, I have experiential reason to investigate the EU thesis.
Earth & the Proto-Saturn System
The late EU physicist Wal Thornhill has done some fascinating presentations on a variety of related subjects, electric stars, etc. Here is his on the Proto-Saturn - Earth system concept. Wild as this may sound if you’ve never heard anything like this before — please don’t judge till you consider the evidence!
There's the potential, as noted by Thornhill, that there could well be planets inside of red and brown dwarfs. This is probable in standard astrophysics now. In that case there's no problem with Earth and Mars being inside the plasma sheath of a brown dwarf Proto-Saturn. The plasma sheath shrinks when electrons are pulled towards a stronger electric body like the Sun, reducing the appearance of size to that of present day Saturn when the systems merged.
Various ways to conceive this…
Earth — a former Saturnian?
At some point the Saturn and Sun systems merged.
The question then is, how did that ancient Proto-Saturn system merge with the Sun? Only the Sun and Jupiter have related angles of rotation. The rest of the solar system is a menagerie of diversity, with Earth, Mars, Saturn and Neptune having similar angles of obliquity.
The Ganymede Hypothesis
As for whether or not Earth, Mars and Saturn potentially formed as beads on a plasma string, in an electric Birkland Current, the basis of stellar formation in the electric universe thesis...
There is Ganymede Hypothesis, of Theodore Holden and Troy McLachlan, where they hypothesize that our solar system formed from a Herbit Haro Object, which in standard astronomy are considered as jets from young stars, but in the electric universe cosmology they are stars and planets forming along a Birkland Current in space.
In the Hubble photograph, the main star “ejecting” the jets, in standard cosmology, is the central focus of a formative Z-pinch in a Birkland Current, here obscured by dust. There are systems forming above and below along the current line.
In the Ganymede Hypothesis, from the Herbit Haro Object arrangement there evolved two systems, the Jupiter - Mercury system above, and the Saturn, Earth, Mars, Neptune system below, which eventually came together, first the Jupiter side because of the motion of the entire current string, then later the Saturn as the Sun-Jupiter system slowed down, allowing Saturn to catch up, finally forming our present system.
I’m simplifying for sake of providing an overview, and just looking at the solar system formation part of their concept.
The Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy
One idea that was floated some years back and now has the backing of a scientific paper, is that somehow the formation of our solar system had something to do with the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy passing through the Milky Way, which it has done a few times over apparently vast periods of time.
The SGD passed through right where our Sun is at. Some researchers claim that perhaps our Sun is from the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy! At minimum the interaction may well have affected the formation of our Sun and solar system. Of course, not in the same manner as proposed by the EU thesis, but we are looking at various ideas, seeking some archetypal formative process. There may well be a relationship between all these ideas. And there is, but that’s long enough for another article.
While some sources debunk concept of the Sagittarius DG causing the creation of our solar system, merely just because it doesn’t fit the standard paradigm, here's some support from Science News:
"In fact, it seems possible that even the Sun and its planets would not have existed if the Sagittarius dwarf had not gotten trapped by the gravitational pull of the Milky Way and eventually smashed through its disc."
Here’s the scientific paper published in Nature Astronomy:
Old Saturn and Old Sun
In esoteric teachings, such as those by Rudolf Steiner, there is the concept of the Old Saturn and Old Sun periods. Old Saturn being Earth’s primordial state of being. The Sun emerging in the Old Sun period. These, and other related esoteric ideas which will be discussed in future posts. For this post I just wanted to deal with the formative processes involved, to keep the articles brief.
Upcoming Magical Egypt Summit
The main point on the upcoming discussion is on if and how the tilt of the Earth and precession has some effect on the creation, control and or liberation of consciousness.

Also to be discussed, the dialectic between the Sidereal and Tropical schools of astrology, which is one that has interested me greatly over the decades. I appreciate gnostic scholar John Lash’s Quest for the Zodiac perspective, wherein he said the Tropical Zodiac is like our social selves (which I see as the matrix magic controlling us), and the Sidereal, true positions, is our transpersonal selves, where we reconnect to the cosmos.
Interesting ideas and speculations, so Vanese has asked me to join the conversation with Gary and Ike at the upcoming Magical Egypt Summit in September. I'm looking forward myself to learning some new ideas from these two wonderful gentlemen, and honored to be invited in to share my perspective.
I'll be doing another presentation for the Summit, TBA, on the biocentric / anthropocentric universe, based on objective data gained through qualitative natural scientific research a la Goethe, Steiner, and heaps of other far out research :)