“Most events recorded in history are more remarkable than important, like eclipses of the sun and moon, by which all are attracted, but whose effects no one takes the trouble to calculate.” — Henry David Thoreau
Cosmic Choreography of Vengeance
Steeped in the ancient wisdom of Hindu mythology, the celestial saga of Rahu and Ketu unfolds like a cosmic opera, weaving together threads of deception, vengeance, and the eternal interplay between light and darkness.
The tale begins with the Samudra Manthana, the epic Churning of the Cosmic Ocean of Milk, where Devas and Asuras joined forces in a celestial tug-of-war to obtain the Amrita, the nectar of immortality. Amidst this divine struggle, a cunning Asura named Svarbhanu disguised himself as a Deva, seeking to partake in the divine elixir. However, his ruse was unveiled by the ever-vigilant Sun and Moon, who alerted Lord Vishnu. With a swift strike of his Sudarshan Chakra, Vishnu severed Svarbhanu’s head from his body, yet both parts remained immortal, having consumed the precious Amrita.
Thus were born Rahu, the severed head, and Ketu, the headless body — two celestial entities forever bound by their shared quest for vengeance against the Sun and Moon, who had exposed their treachery.
In the celestial theater of Vedic astrology, Rahu and Ketu emerge as the enigmatic lunar nodes, guardians of the crossroads where the Moon's mystical path weaves through the ecliptic, the grand celestial highway of the Sun. These shadowy maestros command the stage of the heavens, orchestrating the grand spectacle of eclipses with a masterful touch. Rahu, with a voracious appetite, devours the Sun, draping the world in an ephemeral twilight, while Ketu, the silent sentinel, casts the Moon in a crimson embrace, turning night into a spectacle of shadow and light. These celestial performances are more than mere astronomical phenomena; they are a cosmic ballet, a dance of divine vengeance and celestial poetry, spun from the threads of ancient betrayal. Within this cosmic drama, both Rahu and Ketu play their roles interchangeably, capable of summoning the dark curtain of the solar eclipse or the haunting glow of the lunar eclipse, reminding us of the eternal cycle of light and darkness that governs the heavens.
The April 8, 2024, solar eclipse occurs at the Moon's ascending node, associated with Rahu. Therefore, Rahu is responsible for the April 8, 2024, solar eclipse.
In Vedic astrology, eclipses are potent, transformative moments, imbued with profound spiritual significance. During these celestial events, it is customary for many Hindus to stay indoors to avoid the negative influences attributed to Rahu and Ketu. Abstaining from food and water is recommended, as they are thought to be tainted by the shadowy energies of the eclipse. Devotees are instead encouraged to immerse themselves in spiritual activities such as meditation, mantra chanting, and performing rituals. It is also advised to refrain from initiating significant endeavors or using technology like phones, computers, and electronic devices. This period is seen as an opportunity for spiritual contemplation, deep self-reflection and inner purification
Gravity Anomalies
The “Allais Effect” remains a most intriguing puzzle in the realm of standard physics, captivating the minds of both scientists and the public with its mysterious nature. Central to this phenomenon is the paraconical pendulum, a specialized instrument designed by the French polymath Maurice Allais. Unlike the more commonly known Foucault pendulum, which is used to demonstrate the Earth's rotation, Allais’ paraconical pendulum became the focal point of an extraordinary observation during solar eclipses.
In the summer of 1954, during a solar eclipse, Allais noticed something extraordinary: the plane of oscillation of his paraconical pendulum exhibited an anomalous precession, a deviation from its expected behavior. This was not a simple anomaly; the direction of the pendulum’s precession appeared to reverse as the eclipse progressed. Allais documented this peculiar behavior again during another eclipse in 1959, reinforcing his belief in the significance of the effect. These observations earned Allais the 1959 Galabert Prize of the French Astronautical Society and recognition from the U.S. Gravity Research Foundation for his groundbreaking work on gravity.
The Allais Effect raises profound questions about our understanding of gravity and motion, particularly during the unique celestial alignment of a solar eclipse. The observed changes in the pendulum’s swing suggest the possibility of unknown forces at play, challenging established physics principles and hinting at deeper gravitational, inertial, or energetic anomalies.
Cloud dispersion
During a solar eclipse, an intriguing atmospheric phenomenon occurs: the dissipation of cumulus clouds over land surfaces. As the Moon progressively obscures the Sun’s disk, reducing solar insolation by as little as 15%, a cooling effect is initiated on the Earth’s surface. This cooling suppresses the thermal updrafts that are crucial for the formation and sustenance of cumulus cloud development. Notably, this cloud dissipation effect is not observed over oceanic regions, as water bodies exhibit a slower rate of cooling compared to land masses during the transient eclipse period.
This interplay between shadow and cloud casts a major shadow of doubt on the grand designs of climate engineering. As mattoidal uber-wealthy humans erroneously ponder insane “reversing global warming” schemes to shield our planet from natural solar warmth with grandiose technologies, they totally ignore the intricate balance of our atmospheric cloak. Clouds act as Earth’s albedo, reflecting sunlight away, yet their disappearance during eclipses presents a significant irony: efforts to artificially shade our planet would inadvertently diminish this natural cooling mechanism, paradoxically heating the Earth and disrupting precipitation patterns. Any such considerations must be discarded, lest these misguided actions disrupt the delicate harmony that has governed the Earth’s atmospheric dynamics for aeons.
During a total solar eclipse, the behavior of bees exhibits a remarkable shift from their typical diurnal activity patterns to a state of complete inactivity, as documented in studies utilizing acoustic monitoring techniques. As the Moon progressively obscures the Sun, leading to the onset of totality, ambient light levels diminish significantly, mimicking the transition from day to night over a condensed timeframe. This environmental cue triggers a cessation of foraging behavior in bees, a phenomenon captured through the abrupt silence in recordings of their buzzing activity.
Prior to totality, the duration of bee buzzes increases, suggesting adaptations in flight speed or foraging strategy under reduced light conditions. However, at the moment of totality, bees cease flying altogether, entering a state of quiescence until the sunlight returns. While this can be readily explained by the bees just thinking it is night, there is potentially far more to their awareness of these events, providing opportunity for new insights into the profound impact of celestial events on terrestrial life forms.
Demon Comet!
The comet 12P/Pons-Brooks has been generating interest and speculation due to its potential visibility during eclipse totality. This short-period comet, which enters our inner solar system every 71 years, has been nicknamed the “Demon Comet” or “Devil Comet” because of its unusual appearance. Photographs of the comet reveal what appear to be horns or spiraling arms, leading to its ominous moniker.
As Comet 12P approaches perihelion, its closest point to the Sun, on April 21, 2024, it may become visible to the naked eye or with binoculars. If it does become visible next to the Sun during the total solar eclipse it will make for a truly spectacular sight.
Historically, comets have been viewed with a mixture of awe and trepidation. In many cultures, they were seen as harbingers of change, often associated with negative events such as wars, the death of leaders, epidemics, and natural disasters. Vedic astrology lore, for instance, suggests that comets often portend some kind of upheaval in the regular order of the world. This “Demon Comet” is no exception, with some interpreting its appearance as a sure sign of impending doom.
X Marks the Spot!
In 2016 there were a number of reports, based on an 1981 study Structure of the Midcontinent Basement — Topography, Gravity, Seismic, and Remote Sensing Data (pdf here: https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19820017795/downloads/19820017795.pdf), that a new “Crack Across America” major rift zone was discovered, intersecting with the New Madrid Seismic Zone:
Curiously, the the two major rift zones are congruent with the 2017 and 2024 American total eclipses, with the crossing points of the rifts and the eclipses being the same! Just a coincidence for sure. If the Allais force is a gravity (or plasma/electric) phenomenon, then perhaps some trigger could happen at this seismic lines intersection during the April 8 eclipse.
What may all this portend? Many commenters a posting warnings from the Biblical perspective. The timing between the 2017 and 2024 eclipses is 6 years, 6 months, 6 weeks and 6 days, 6666. Seven towns named Nineveh are along the path. In the Bible, Nineveh, the capital city of Assyria, is where Jonah preached about the wrath of God.
The exact crossing point is in an area known as Little Egypt, named during a harsh winter of 1830-31, where suffering people from further north headed to southern Illinois for food, and associated themselves with the children of the Biblical Jacob, who were forced to go south to Egypt during a time of famine.
We can wonder if these prophets will be shown to be correct. We’ll know soon enough.
It probably doesn’t help bring on a cheerful consideration of the eclipse that on March 15 there was a major lightning storm centered precisely along the coming path of the eclipse! This potentially indicates some sort of seismic pressure along the entire New Madrid fault, adding to Allais Effect worries.

Nothing to worry about, of course, this is all wild speculation and mere coincidence.. yet there are some major preparations in progress:
Macrocosm-Microcosm Alchemy
Even deeper into eclipse effects, few endeavors bridge the gap between the ancient and the modern quite like Lili Kolisko’s pioneering work on metal-planet relationships through crystallization experiments. Drawing inspiration from Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy, Kolisko embarked on a journey to explore the alchemical connections between metals and planets, a concept deeply rooted in ancient wisdom. Her work, particularly her studies on Gold and the Sun during solar eclipses, stands as a testament to the enduring intrigue of cosmic influences on earthly substances.
Cosmic Crystallization Studies
Kolisko’s experiments were grounded in the alchemical tradition, which posits that each of the visible planets — wandering stars — was linked to a specific metal, gold-Sun, silver-Moon, iron-Mars, etc. This ancient knowledge suggests a profound interconnectedness between celestial movements and terrestrial life, with each planet exerting a unique influence mirrored by its corresponding metal. By verifying these connections through her innovative method of capillary dynamolysis, Kolisko sought to illuminate the formative forces at play between the heavens and the earth.
The Kolisko Method of Crystallization
The technique Kolisko developed, known as capillary dynamolysis or Steigbild (rising picture), involved crystallizing metallic salts from aqueous solution onto filter paper to create distinct images or chromatograms. This contra-gravity motion upward into the downpouring cosmic influences thus reveals the workings of the etheric forces into earthly substance when in a fluid state
This method allowed her to visually capture the effects of planetary forces on metals, particularly during significant astronomical events like conjunctions, oppositions, and eclipses. Through this process, Kolisko was able to demonstrate the tangible impact of macrocosmic forces on microcosmic earthly substances, effectively bridging the gap between the spiritual and the material.
‘So long as substances are in a solid state they are subject to the forces of the earth, but as soon as they enter the liquid state, planetary forces come into play.’ — Rudolf Steiner
Insights from Gold and the Sun Experiments
Some of Kolisko’s most enlightening and easy to comprehend experiments focused on the relationship between gold and the Sun, especially during solar eclipses. By dissolving gold chloride into an aqueous solution and allowing it to crystalize on filter paper, Kolisko observed that gold crystalizes imperfectly during solar eclipses when the Moon obscures the Sun. These findings not only support the alchemical association of gold with the Sun but also provide a vivid illustration of the dynamic interplay between celestial bodies and terrestrial materials. And most curiously, these experiments act as though Earth is the center of these activities — the Anthropocentric realm.
Gold & the Sun — Solar Eclipse 29 June 1927
These following gold chloride chromatograms show a direct link between gold and the Sun during an eclipse. Kolisko found these effects occur whether the experiments were performed in the path of the eclipse or not. It may take a while to see the patterning, there is much to this, requiring both the mind of a scientist and the eye of an artist. One can see the general pattern in the first, before the eclipse, the disruptions in the second at the beginning of the eclipse, and the beginning of return to the general pattern in the third, following totality.
Gold & the Sun — Solar Eclipse 19 June 1936
These gold chloride chromatograms showing color effects during an eclipse phase, not seen in earlier B&W images of chromatograms (Kolisko apologizes in her earlier works for not having the necessary funds to print in color). We can see that the chromatogram coloring darkens during the eclipse phase and begins to lighten again following.
“The darkening which the Sun experiences in the cosmos is also experienced by the gold fluid on the earth and this is revealed in these experiments.” — L. Kolisko
Silver & the Moon
Silver is associated with our Moon, and has dramatically differing chromatogram properties between day and night.
During the day, the silver rises, attaining its maximum height after two or three hours and is colored by the light and air. No matter how much silver is contained in the solution, when the maximum height is attained, the surplus silver remains suspended in the solution.
Towards evening, when the Sun sets, the fluid begins to rise still higher & oversteps the boundary set up during the day. At night, therefore, there is a second ascent of the fluid in the filter paper and when the second boundary has been reached, a second picture is formed — the night picture.
The Moon rules the sky, whatever its phase and position, whenever the Sun is absent.
Gold & Silver during a Solar Eclipse - 1936
During a June 19, 1936 solar eclipse Kolisko made a series of chromatograms. In some of the experiments she used gold and silver salts together, making the picture seen here:
During eclipse totality a day later the silver rises dominant when the Sun loses its power over the gold, even though it is during daylight. This shows a definite diminution of the connection between the Sun and gold during totality:
Legacy and Implications
Lili Kolisko's work offers a unique blend of scientific rigor and artistic sensitivity, challenging us to consider the subtle formative forces that shape our world. Her experiments underscore the profound connection between the cosmos and the substances that comprise our physical reality, inviting further exploration into the mysteries of the universe and our place within it. As we unravel the complexities of these ancient alchemical principles, Kolisko’s legacy serves as a beacon, guiding us toward a more wholistic comprehension of the natural world.
Through her meticulous studies and the creation of untold thousands of chromatograms over four decades, Lili Kolisko not only validated the ancient wisdom of alchemy but also opened new avenues for contemporary scientific inquiry into the qualitative aspects of Nature, demonstrating that spirit indeed moves within matter.
For more information, my video on Kolisko’s Saturn-lead experiments:
and my previous article on Kolisko’s work in relationship to the Easter Holiday:
The Conscious Sun and Solar Eclipses
The concept of the Sun as a conscious entity, as proposed by thinkers like Rupert Sheldrake and Gregory Sams, and supported by by Gregory Matloff’s Conscious Stars panpsychism thesis, opens up fascinating possibilities regarding the influence of solar eclipses on human consciousness and subconsciousness.
If we consider the Sun possessing consciousness, it can be seen that solar eclipses represent moments of a profound transformative initiatory process created by the perfect alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Earth, potentiating a significant impact on the collective human psyche and the behavior of animals, bees, and even cloud formations. This influence can manifest in various ways, such as heightened emotional sensitivity, increased intuition, or a deeper sense of interconnectedness with the universe.
Moreover, if the Sun’s consciousness is indeed intertwined with our own, solar eclipses can serve as catalysts for personal growth and transformation, prompting us to confront and resolve deep-seated emotional wounds or to embark on new spiritual journeys. The gold-Sun connection indicated by Kolisko further supports this idea, as gold has been associated with spiritual enlightenment and transformation throughout history. In light of the considered Vedic practices during eclipses, such as meditation and mantra recitation, it is plausible that these celestial events hold the potential to unlock deeper levels of consciousness and facilitate spiritual growth.
“The ultimate metaphysical secret, if we dare to state it so simply, is that there are no boundaries in the Universe. Boundaries are illusions, products not of reality but of the way we map and edit reality. And while it is fine to map out the territory, it is fatal to confuse the two.” —Ken Wilbur
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