I have been exploring ideas at the borderlands of science & philosophy for over four decades. In my newsletters and workshops I purvey eclectica whilst providing transformative visions on the nature of reality.
The ideas will range over wide areas, with the overall purpose to explore how people have surpassed reductionism and learned how to see with their eye of the spirit.
It is said that the universe is not only stranger than we imagine; it is stranger than we can imagine. My pursuit is in that which some consider to be stranger than we can imagine. Our imagination, when trained and focused, is an organ of our soul, with no true limits other than those we set ourselves.
If you enjoy outré sojourns into the qualitative sciences as a remedy to reductionism, then please subscribe and support my work.
Art and science must unite to evolve!
Kind regards,
(Thomas J Brown)
“I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think” ~ Socrates