Whence originates our awareness of being is a profound query. Not merely in waking consciousness, but in our sensory meatbag reality pragmatically. Whatever answer resonates with you, we find ourselves as actors in some sort of cosmic play, our roles far more intricate and expansive than we can realize with our discursive state of consciousness.
Many traditions from the Western Mystery schools to the Taoist alchemical traditions teach of building the Body of Light or Rainbow Body.
Dinshah’s Spectrochrome system delineates the color-body relationships. Structurally, in his color circle, in the upward triangle, Red relates to the liver, Violet to the spleen, Green to the head and governor of the physical body; in the downpointing triangle, Yellow is a motor stimulant and energizer, Blue builds vitality and balances energy, Magenta rules the sex organs and heart, overseeing the spiritual aspect of our beings.
Which in archetypal essence resonates with the Goethean color circle.
Ultimately emanating from the Rainbow Heart of the Buddha.
In our present world condition humans are more like fallen angels, wandering lost in consensus reality.
“We are no longer capable, today, of imagining divine beings. We have lost the angelic imagination and the protection it can give. She disappeared from all the courses of study: from theology, philosophy, aesthetics. This loss can be more dangerous than the war and the apocalypse itself, because it produces literalism, which is the cause of both.”
— James Hillman
Homo Luminous
In our ultimate aetheric essence we are Homo Luminous — Light Beings — expressions of our quintessential aspect, the primordial source from which all others flow. This is not the photonic wave-particle light of materialistic physics, rather the living, conscious light that radiates from the supersensible realms animating our total eperiential reality. It is the luminiferous aether, the wellspring of creation itself, pulsing through every fiber of our existence.
Our fundamental nature is as beings of light and consciousness, grounded in the physical realm in our present state, yet always existing above it concurrently.
The aether is our connection to the subtle realms, consciousness, and the foundations of time and space themselves. Light is the most fundamental and pervasive aspect of our existence, with matter itself being a form of condensed light.
Consciousness, is the underlying essence of our being. To recognize ourselves as Homo Luminous is to awaken to our true nature as beings of pure consciousness, unfettered by the illusions of materiality we appear immersed within.
What then is pure consciousness? In the Vajrayana the skandhas are our aggregates of consciousness: Form (our physical bodies), Sensation (sensory input, pleasure, pain), Perception (cognition, understanding, processing), Volition (response, output), and Consciousness (encompassing the first four, being a synergetic higher state from which they emanate.) The first four being related to the elements (and thereby the four Anthroposophical ethers), and the fifth, consciousness to the aether (of which the four are functional aspects on our Earth plane).
I have shown elsewhere, in my workshops, how these skandhas are related archetypally to the Liberal Arts.
I have been working on a presentation project on structured water and bio-resonant technologies, and I was thinking about all the evidence that we are Hydro Sapiens, water beings. Then I thought of how that is just one aspect of our beings. So this article is a preliminary outline of my ideas on our various layers of being, all of which combined comprise our total physical manifestation.
Electro Sapiens
Energetic (Electro) beings; emphasizing our energetic essence. From the fire element perspective we can recognize the energetic and electrical nature of our bodies, as Electro Sapiens (Electricity Wise). Our bodies are not simply biological machines but living expressions of etheric currents. Every thought, every heartbeat is a dance of electrical forces, a testament to our nature as beings of energy. This is the vital spark, the dynamic interplay of life itself. Our nervous system functions through electro-chemical impulses transmitted by neurons. The human body has its own electromagnetic fields generated by the electrical activity of our cells and organs as we move and function. We are interwoven with the geomagnetic field of Earth and those of our fellow humans and faunal cousins.
Aero Sapiens
Air beings; considering our vital dependence on air for survival, we are Aero Sapiens (Air Wise). Air is essential for breathing and life. With each inhalation, we partake in a sacred exchange with the world, a rhythmic communion with the element of air, taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide. Our respiratory system is symbiotically linked with the plants in our environment, which provide the oxygen we breathe. The air pressure and composition of the atmosphere is critical for our physiological functions. Our very being resonates with the winds, a testament to our unity with the atmosphere and the life it sustains.
Hydro Sapiens
Water beings; reflecting the flowing, fluid quality of our physiology, speaks to the fluid, ever-changing nature of our existence. Our bodies are living waters, flowing with the currents of life. Water is the medium of memory and emotion, the carrier of the soul's journey. It is through this fluidity that we connect with the deeper currents of the cosmos.
99.9% of our body’s molecules are water in a highly structured liquid crystalline state, crucial for cellular function, communication, and information transfer. This structured water acts as a fractal antenna enabling our complex biological systems.
Our DNA is coated in geometrically arranged water attached by hydrogen bonds, and has a pillar of structured water through the central column of the helix, influencing DNA shape, stability and interactions. Healthy DNA is surrounded by highly structured water, while unhealthy DNA has less.
The crystalline structure of water around DNA and biomolecules is essential, as the proper geometric arrangement allows enhanced information storage and transfer.
We are truly “crystalline water beings.” Liquid crystalline water is the medium of life and the interface between energy, consciousness and physical form. Our health, thoughts and very being are reflected in our internal waters.
Geo Sapiens
From the physical, Earth element aspect of humanity, we are Geo Sapiens (Earth Wise). The Earth element is the most basic and stable of the five elements, forming the foundation that the other elements build upon in our physical body. As Earth beings, our physical, structural form, is our anchor, our connection to the solid, nurturing body of the Earth. The Earth element represents solidity and is associated with the physical structures in the human body like bones, muscles, tissues, and organs. Our bones echo the minerals of the planet, our flesh the fertile soil. We are not separate from the Earth but a conscious expression of its living body.
Irreducible Wholeness
These five aspects — Aether, Fire (Electricity), Air, Water, and Earth — are not isolated components but a harmonious symphony of being. To truly know ourselves is to embrace this wholistic vision, to see beyond the egoic illusion of separateness and recognize the profound unity that interweaves all existence.
As we cultivate awareness of these elemental aspects, we awaken to our role as co-creators of reality. We are not passive observers but active participants in the unfolding drama of cosmic evolution. By remembering our true nature as Homo Luminous, expressed through the four elemental Sapiens, we step into our birthright as conscious shapers of destiny.
This path of the five-fold being is not an escape from the world but a full, radiant engagement with the totality of existence. It is an invitation to dance with the cosmos, to sing with the spheres, and to paint with the colors of creation itself. In embracing our multidimensional nature, we not only transform our individual lives but contribute to the grand awakening of human consciousness. Enjoy!
Let us, then, step boldly into this expanded self-comprehension, for in doing so, we become living bridges between the seen and unseen, the material and the spiritual, the temporal and the eternal. We are the dreamers and the dream, the singers and the song, the Light and that which is illuminated — a luminous tapestry of being, ever-unfolding in the infinite now.
Transcendence or Acceptance?
Is metamorphosing into the Homo luminous state transcendence or acceptance? People speak of transcending to 5D. I like to ask, what are the first four Ds? The answer always comes back, the 3Ds of space, then the 4th of time. I ask them to wave their hands around in the air and show me the 3 dimensions as a function of space. Nobody can. “Height, breadth, width, placement, motion, etc.” are our interpretations of physical objects existing and moving through space. We impose the dimensions with our consciousness. The 3Ds are a coordinate system, not dimensions. Don’t confuse them.
As Eric Dollard has noted, from his experimental pursuit of Telsa’s non-EM currents, there are only two dimensions required for engineering these, Time and Space. There is no “space-time” mathematical aberration that Einstein had to cook up because he only saw uni-polar gravity in a universe based on polarities, with levity, the aetheric life force, banned from conception.
Space is a dimension, that’s why we call it space. Because there’s heaps of space :)
The 3D is our inner nature. During the metamorphosis of consciousness around the so-called Copernican Revolution humans collectively externalized proprioceptive sensations of the body’s innate structure, into objective systems such as the Cartesian coordinate system.
The real 5D is Homo Luminous, attaining the center of the mandala, total consciousness of the five skandas, integration of the elements of our being. This is not a mere metaphor but a recognition of our true nature, rooted in the lumeniferous aether from which all other ethers emerge to weave the elements into living forms. In this view, light is the key to awareness, the source from which consciousness unfolds. It is the overarching essence, the luminous thread that weaves through the fabric of our being. In essence this is not transcendence, rather acceptance of reality.
It is my philosophy that our beings are already awake, it’s just that our primary perceptions are generally interpreted and altered by our singular belief systems and characterological armoring, so we don’t notice the higher essences flowing through manifestation. Once we get to the point of direct perception of reality beyond belief we realise our potential as agents of change and growth. This is why I recommend following the Goethean approach to scientific awareness of our beingness as conscious awareness nodes in the biosphere.
And even if one only makes it to Homo Cogitans (thinking human) it was worth the try!
“You are more than you think you are. There are dimensions of your being and a potential for realization and consciousness that are not included in your concept of yourself. Your life is much deeper and broader than you conceive it to be here. What you are living is but a fractional inkling of what is really within you, what gives you life, breadth and depth.”
— Joseph Campbell
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Nice synchronicity with your understanding of Dinshah and Goethe, thank you! Redon is a favorite artist of mine. To help understand how interdimensional beings can cross into our Cartesian realm, I find this video helpful, regarding how mathematicians deal with 'imaginary' numbers: https://youtu.be/T647CGsuOVU?si=5ECtekbGy3ym2G9- . How ironic that Descartes was inspired by the entities in his intense dreams to promulgate his system of Cartesian materialism, which has no room for such non-material beings.
I love this scientific approach to consciousness, that which is in form but not form and everywhere present. You take science to another level, true Science, reinstating the electric-aether, the healing frequencies of Light (Spectro-Chrome), Dinshah also Goethe and the elements of Nature, the aether as the carrier of consciousness.